About | Eastside Baptist Church Carrollton Ga

Church History



On Sunday March 22, 1959 a committee met at an old braider mill located in Carrollton Ga there Eastside Baptist Church

was established. The church stayed at that location for many years and continued to grow. The members saw a need for a new

church in a new location. Therefore in early 1999, it was voted to relocate. After much prayer the Lord led the committee

to Little New York Rd just east of Carrollton. This become the new home for Eastside Baptist Church. THE Church

broke ground in November, 2000. With Bro. Gary Leading the building program with Sis. Judy close by his side.

With everyone’s dedication and hard work, we were able to hold our first service in the new sanctuary

on Sunday, October  21,2001.

                                                 ….And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved
                                                                                                                                           ACTS 2:47





Bro. Gary &  Sis. Judy Brown

It is an honor to be Pastor of Eastside Baptist Church. We are a church where God’s word is still preached out of a King James Version Bible, and He is still glorified. We have been blessed with an abundance of very talented people who love the Lord and each other. Together we make up what I consider to be one of God’s greatest churches.

Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it.

  Ephesians 5:25

Our Team

Our team here at Eastside is willing to help and support our church family and community.

We have class for for all ages  here at Eastside Baptist Church

Sunday School  Class For

Nursery for  Newborn to age 2                               Ages 2 to 5

Age 6 to 8                                                               Ages 9 to 12

Teens                                                                    Adults

Senior  Adults